Nikka Costa's Pop Makeover

    I mentioned in an earlier post that one of the (musical) highlights of my recent European trip was snaring a copy of Nikka Costa's latest single in Germany. That might sound incredibly lame to... just about everyone but Nikka and I have history. You see, the adopted Australian was one of my high school obsessions. Which is fucking weird given her rock/soul/funk sound. "Butterfly Rocket" screams the 90s to me more than bucket bongs and Buffy. Our passionate affair continued well into the next decade with her amazing breakthrough album "Everybody's Got Their Something" but we drifted apart as the years passed and I'm ashamed to say that I never got around to buying her last independently released opus "Pebble To A Pearl" (something I'll have to rectify ASAP).

    That takes me back to Germany where Nikka has a new album slated for release on the 3rd of September. And if the lead single is any indication, it's set to be stunning return to form. "Ching Ching Ching" is an interesting change of pace for the former rock chick. The soulful sound of her previous albums has been replaced by upbeat guitar pop. Naturally, the faithful are up in arms - accusing the diva of "selling out" - but I love it. And so do the Germans, who recently made it Nikka's first chart hit in over a decade. Take that, whingers! "Ching Ching Ching" demands a couple of listens but stick with it. The lyrics are typically wry and the chorus should come with a 'catchy as fuck' warning. This would be my favourite comeback of 2010 if Jennifer Rush hadn't escaped from her crypt to record the song of the year. Anyway, make sure you watch the classy video. Nikka must be pushing 40 but she looks hotter than ever and the simple concept works. EMI Australia need to get on this shit instead of wasting their time and money on Erika!

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