One of the best things about 2008 has been Cyndi Lauper's return to pop prominence. "Bring Ya To The Brink" kicked every other menopausal diva to the curb with its sheer brilliance, while her sell out tour has continued to win rave reviews around the world. It seems only appropriate that Cyndi should end the year on a high and her fierce duet with The Hives provides the perfect vehicle. "A Christmas Duel" is a Yuletide anthem after my own heart - a biting and highly amusing argument set against a catchy rock 'n 'roll soundtrack. This is the perfect antidote to the nauseating sap dominating the airwaves at this time of year. Per from The Hives kicks off proceedings with the awesome opening line "I bought no gift this year and I slept with your sister" before Cyndi strikes back by claiming "I slept with your brother, I wrecked your daddy's car and I went down on your mother"! Could Cyndi possibly get any more fabulous? Think of this as a musical "War Of The Roses" - Michael Douglas Vs Kathleen Turner not the English civil war! Apart from the amazing lyrics, "A Christmas Duel" boasts a paradoxically sweet chorus and great vocal performances. I had forgotten how good it is to hear Cyndi rock out. She is the coolest 55 year old on the planet. Fact!
"A Christmas Duel" is available to download from iTunes now.