The Sugababes Do Pop Trash Addicts!

    A couple of weeks ago a bunch of bloggers were asked to submit a question to the Sugababes, which they would then address in a video. I never thought they would answer my insightful query ("Is Mutya the realest girl in pop?") and as it turns out, they didn't. They did, however, respond to my plea for tips on getting sexy! I've been getting a lot of less than subtle hints lately ("you should grow your hair, then we can style it" and "that cardigan has to go"), so I thought I would turn to the sexperts for help. And the Babes came through! I swear Keisha needs her own talk show. She rambles on about being confident despite your bodyshape (did someone send her my high school photos?) and suggests buying a nice perfume. Oprah has nothing on this diva! Amelle then talks about dressing down and getting your hair done, while Heidi preaches healthy living. It's all completely riveting and absolutely adorable but my favourite part? When Amelle says "you're watching Pop Trash Addicts". I nearly cried!

    The Sugababes' amazing new single and recent Pop Panel champion "Get Sexy" is released in the UK this week. Download it now from iTunes or order the physical single from Amazon or HMV. Also, make sure you check out the Babes' fabulous response to Chart Rigger's classy question!Source URL:
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