What is it about 2009? It seems like every middle aged cougar with an 80s hit to her credit is crawling out of the woodwork - and I can't get enough of it! Joining the ranks of Haywoode, Stacey Q and Bananarama on the comeback trail are two of the greatest female vocalists ever to flash their tits for free publicity. Believe it or not but Samantha Fox and Sabrina Salerno are coming out of retirement to wow aging homosexuals with a stunning cover of Blondie's "Call Me"! I'm positively beside myself. The idea of bringing together the legends that sang "Touch Me" and "Boys (Summertime Love)" is truly inspired. Old perverts and SAW fanatics will be in 7th heaven - not to mention MAGs and Sam's army of lesbian followers. This could be the marketing coup of the decade! I love what the top heavy lovelies have done with "Call Me". It's directed straight at the Hi-NRG dance crowd (you can hear a clip of this below) and showcases the amazing vocal ability of both icons. I just hope the duet is given a fighting chance with proper promotion and label support. There's still a lot of love for these ladies and the pop scene is definitely a brighter place with them in it. By the way - don't they look amazing? Madonna must be spitting chips.