I'm officially obsessed with Xtina again. Burlesque hasn't even been released in Australia yet but I'm already convinced it will be the movie event of 2011 and the soundtrack is almost too fabulous for words. Then there's the amazing bloated drag queen look she's been rocking at premieres around the world and her new found ability to actually get off her arse and promote shit. I've even reached the point where I can listen to "Bionic" without snickering and am seriously considering shelling out $100 for that super deluxe edition. Anyway, here's Floptina the new Queen of cabaret belting out her Golden Globe nominated, Sia co-written gem "Bound To You" at an exclusive showcase. When I see performances like this, I can't believe Christina managed to fall so far. For all her faults - and she has many - the bitch has more talent in her delicious muffin top than the rest of her contemporaries put together. With the exception of Bey and Ke$ha. Of course.