Sky Ferreira - Covers, Ke$ha & Horse Shampoo

    Sky Ferreira is electro-pop's current 'it' girl. Discovered on Myspace by Swedish super-producers Bloodshy & Avant, the American teenager has subsequently turned the music world upside down with her sexy image and edgy pop tunes. I have to admit I wasn't convinced until I heard her cover of Stevie Nick's "Stand Back" and realised that she isn't just another pretty girl with a synthesizer. Sky has the looks, attitude and - most importantly - talent to match the hype. Her major label debut "One" has just been released in the UK and it's absolutely brilliant. Make sure you check out the demented WAWA remix, which sounds like something Whigfield released in 1998. I'm obsessed! Anyway, I was lucky enough to have a brief chat with Sky about record label interference, the lingering 'Lolita' controversy and that glorious mane of hair. Here's what she had to say:

    Hey Sky, can you please give us a re-cap of how you were ‘discovered’ for all the fans that are just jumping on board now?
    Myspace. The internet. Sending a message to Bloodshy & Avant and having them sign me.

    Are you the last of the Myspace sensations? The site seems to be losing a bit of relevance...
    I don't know, am I?!? Maybe Myspace will have a re-boot soon.

    “One” is an amazing track. What’s it all about?
    Being ignored, neglected, rejected. My life story!

    What was it like working with Bloodshy & Avant? They have worked with so many massive stars – was it a little intimidating?
    Working with other writers and producers is ALWAYS intimidating.

    Why are you going with a different song in America ? “One” sounds like a hit to me.
    Nobody believes in it yet... not even the UK iTunes charts, apparently. They'll realize eventually! I think "One" is going to be a song that will be around for a really long time whether it's a 'hit' or not. Not trying to beat on my own drum, but it's a really special song!

    Speaking of “Obsession”, you seemed a little annoyed about it being released as a single in an interview I saw recently. Is that right or was I smoking too much pot?
    We were both smoking too much pot! Just kidding! Um, yeah. I was a bit annoyed. I love it but I always want to try to be innovative and stuff......

    How different is working with someone like Ryan Tedder than Bloodshy & Avant?
    They both are equally as amazing in different ways. They grew up on different music/cultures and make different music.

    Tell me about “ 17” . I love that song. Is it autobiographical? Did you deliberately try to push buttons with the video clip? To me it just looks like a typical night out! Not really! I wanted the bedroom scene to be pretty more than 'raunchy'. I made out with boys... hasn't everyone? Doesn't mean I was doing it to Petey! It totally is a typical night out for a lot of teenagers. That's why it's so funny that people think I was trying to be "bad ass". I was really poking fun at it. But yes. I did that stuff.

    What do you make of the comparisons with Ke$ha. Do you like her music/image?
    We're nothing alike but blonde. Kesha didn't invent denim shorts. Also I'm not a fan of glitter.

    Do you ever worry about the label toning down your image for the mainstream? Will amazing songs like “Sex Rules” and “Fucked From Above” make your album?
    Yes. Everyone wants to keep it G rated or corny sexy. I'm not a gimmick. I write about things I 'shouldn't write about because I'm so young' - blah blah blah. Even when they don't let me do things, I always find a way of releasing my work and ideas no matter what. Without label money etc etc etc.

    Who else have you worked with on the album?
    Greg Kurstin, Dallas Austin, Colin Munroe/Cory Enemy, Paul Epworth,and I even did a song which was produced by my side band on the record.

    I love your covers of “Stand Back” and “Animal”. Can you please stick them on a future single as a B-side?
    If Stevie Nicks and Miike Snow let me! Sure, why not.

    Last but definitely not least, how you maintain your lustrous locks? Your hair is stunning!
    MANE 'N TAIL. Yes... I'm serious!

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