That ugly bitch has done it again. Just when you thought Natalie Bassingthwaighte could not possibly get any more shit, she unleashes the worst duet of the year. Yes, that badly ageing tranny from the Rogue Traders has taken it upon herself to team up with Shannon Noll to destroy the classic Kate Bush/Peter Gabriel duet "Don't Give Up".Natalie - "If I pose like this, people might take me seriously"
Shannon - "No, you still look like a whore"
Don't get me wrong, I think Kate Bush and Peter Gabriel are pretty shit too. However, despite my personal dislike for their output, it is hard to deny that they are both artists of some degree of integrity and talent. Which is a hell of a lot more than you can say about a middle-aged woman who has worn hot pants in public so frequently that I could draw her varicose vein stained legs from memory and a man who is better known for his "clit-tickler" than music. If Shannon and Natalie had to destroy a classic, they could have at least made it original or amusing. Instead, Natalie desperately copies Kate's pitch and delivery, while Shannon drones on with enough false sincerity to make John Howard green with envy. In short, this is fucking hideous.
Kate - "Does this brown jumper make me look fat?"
Peter - "Yes"
The clincher for me is the fact that the song is being released to raise money - for depression. Listening to this shit made me want to grab the nearest razor! If you feel the need to own this musical car crash, you can order the album "Songs Of Hope & Journey" from Sanity or Chaos. The single is released next week.
Watch the vile video.
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