I thought I'd take a quick break from my belated (to the point of being ridiculous) end of year countdowns to post some amazing new music. 2011 hasn't got off to a great start with the airwaves being dominated by stinkers like Britney's "Hold It Against Me" and Ri-cycle's "S&M". Thankfully, one diva has arrived to inject some creativity and old fashioned glamour back into pop music! I had no idea who Naomi Elizabeth was until my friend Grant sent me a link to her clip but I'm convinced she's a beautiful angel sent from heaven to charm us with her glorious voice and intricate dance moves. The appropriately titled "God Sent Me Here To Rock You" is a deeply intellectual comment on the superficiality of modern culture - or the campest piece of pop trash churned out by a cocaine fuelled mind since Wendy Ho's "Poop Noodle". Either way - I love it! Naomi's toytastic lyrics ("I flew down on a cloud and sat my feet on the ground, I had a job to do - to rock every one of you!") are truly inspiring, as is the genuinely catchy chorus and none too shabby production. Particularly given the fact that it was recorded on the songbird's home computer. The film clip is even more alluring. Naomi is a vision of style and grace as she performs choreography straight out of Monifah's "Touch It" video, while rocking a series of demure outfits. Brace yourself for the spiritual experience that is "God Sent Me Here To Rock You" (below):