I really don't know that much about Mexico's stunning Ninel Conde apart from the fact that she's the arch rival of my beloved Lorena Herrera and is clearly a massive Beyoncé fan if the video clip of her latest single is anything to go by. "Mujeriego" plays like a four minute homage to Sasha Fierce. The costumes, choreography and outfits all look very familiar. It's like "Single Ladies" crossed with "Sweet Dreams" with a dash of "One Night Only" thrown in for good measure! Don't get me wrong, I'm not throwing shade on lovely Ninel. As far as I'm concerned all foreign divas should steal from their more famous international counterparts. Hell, Ami Suzuki would be hocking her box on a Tokyo street corner if she stopped copying Kylie! I just think it's interesting that Ninel borrowed B's image so completely but stuck with her own unique brand of trashtastic Mexi-pop. It doesn't quite gel but who gives a shit when the finished product is this much fun? The Beyoncé themed video is hilarious - she obviously hired Fey's low budget special effects team - and the song is a welcome burst of trashy fun. I particularly love the catchy chorus and low brow production values. Ninel is not in Lorena's league of fabulousness yet but she could well be a contender if she keeps this up! Sit back, relax and enjoy the sheer cinematic brilliance of "Mujeriego" (below).