I can barely breathe. My second favourite Swedish trash Queen (after Bionda) has deigned to bless the music world with a stunning new single and glamorous high budget video! Victoria Silvstedt is probably best known in Australia for her reality TV show My Perfect Life but before she became a professional fame whore, the multi-talented 1997 Playmate of the Year dabbled in lots of different things. She launched her own lingerie line, tried her luck as an actress in America and had a brief music career in Sweden. It's the latter that turned me into a fan. Her 1999 smash "Hello Hey" is legendary among trash connoisseurs for its sheer sonic brilliance and I'm glad the pop revolutionary is still churning out songs that show up her flop countrywoman Robyn as the sad, pathetic joke she's become. "Saturday Night" is an inspired cover of the Whigfield classic that showcases the diva's glorious autotuned vocals and unprecedented ability to talk her way through songs. Uffie is such a thief! I love the cheesy production and classy video. Victoria basically poses in a bikini, rides around on a yacht and dances in a club. Just another day for her then. Brace yourself for the fabulousness below.