I was never a huge fan of Dr Who but it was impossible to avoid when I was growing up. Repeats of the show were a staple of ABC programming in the late 80s and I found myself watching it almost by default. From memory it came on after Inspector Gadget and I was just too lazy to change the channel! Anyway, like most (gay) boys - I had a bit of a crush on Elisabeth Sladen, who played the glamorous Sarah Jane. Her recent death from cancer was a blow for fans and has even inspired one Australian band to record a tribute song. Parralox is one of my favourite homegrown pop acts. They have featured on the blog previously and churn out icy electro-pop anthems at an alarming rate. I know that frontman John von Ahlen is a huge sci-fi fan, so I'm not surprised he's pulled out an absolute gem for Elisabeth. "Companion", with its bleak synths and haunting chorus, is a fitting tribute to the TV icon. This is their best song since "I Am Human" and I really think they should release it as a single. Check out "Companion" below.