A couple of months ago I posted a preview of Peter Wilson's "Stereo" video and it triggered something of a war in the comments. The 90s pop star's new song turned out to be the love-it-or-hate-it jam of the year with some people declaring it a trainwreck, while others praised its retro-tastic PWL sound - courtesy of Dave Ford and Ian Curnow, no less. The video has been out for a while now but it completely passed me by until I saw it on Pop In Stereo a couple of days ago. I asked Peter about the clip and his brutal commentary is not fit to be repeated in public but I think he's being a bit harsh. Low budget Australian videos really know how to plumb the depths of bad taste with style and humour! I love how ridiculously disconnected the clip is to the song. Why not pursue the cute 80s theme? Or just film Peter naked in the shower to make me happy? No. Someone thought the year's gayest pop anthem really needed a gritty video that finds the Melbourne based singer emoting against graffiti in what looks to be an abandoned slum! It's a hot mess but I love "Stereo" and the rest of the album is amazing. There's even a Stock Aitken Waterman track on there. Oh well, until that gets released, brace yourself for one of the year's most... memorable film clips. Source URL: http://popmusicrecords.blogspot.com/2011/06/peter-wilson-stereo-video.html Visit pop music records for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection