Ok, so I'm officially the last person on the VV Brown bandwagon. "Shark In The Water" kind of bored me when it was released last year and I rather stupidly dismissed the singer as another overhyped diva with a great stylist. But then I heard the Static Revenger remix recently and haven't been able to get the song out of my head. This tune is seriously more addictive than chocolate coated crack. I love how the remix beefs up the track without losing the retro charm of the original. All the catchy hooks are still there but the beats are heavier and that gorgeous chorus now packs an even greater punch. VV's smash (in my alternate universe) recently surprised everyone by crawling into the US top 100, so hopefully there's still some life left in her amazing flop album. I've grown to love every track on "Travelling Like The Light" but "Game Over", in particular, is crying out for a re-release. And let's face it. If Shontelle can score a top 15 hit in America, anything is possible! Give Static Revenger's fabulous "Shark In The Water" overhaul a listen below. This is my jam!