My whole world has been turned upside down. One day you're happily bitching about Girls Aloud to anyone who will listen, the next you're forced to admit that you actually quite like Nadine Coyle's new solo single. I feel like a vegetarian that's been force fed KFC only to realise the error of their ways and go back for a second bucket! That might be a slight exaggeration. I still think Girls Aloud is the worst girlband in the history of music but if I have to warm to any of the five talent free zones - I'm glad it's Nadine. Sure, she's the useless one that just stands there and looks pretty but in comparison to the rest, she's the second coming of Kylie. Or at least Gina G. "Insatiable" didn't really grab me the first time I heard it but the Guy Chambers penned anthem is a grower. I love the brass and sexy chorus. It kind of reminds me of Alannah Myles circa 1989 - which is a compliment! However, as much as I like the original, the WAWA remix lifts the track from good to downright fucking amazing. The always reliable Polish duo transform "Insatiable" into dancefloor gold. If Nadine isn't as dumb as she looks, she will promote the fuck out of this. The WAWA mix (below) makes her sound like the real deal. Unlike local star Cheryl Cole, the mortal Coyle could actually have an international hit on her hands. It works in her favour that Girls Aloud can't give their music away outside the UK. She can start afresh without being pre-judged by their horrible legacy. And even if this bombs, Nadine can take heart from the face that "Insatiable" is a million times better than the aural abortion known as "Promise This"!