I usually don't blog about competitions but this one caught my interest and gives me an excuse to post one of my favourite remixes of 2010. Russian Standard Vodka are giving away tickets to see the always brilliant Temper Trap perform an acoustic set at The Chapel in Sydney. You also get accommodation and spending money but I think I'd prefer a crate of that delicious vodka and a couple of cartons of orange juice to swig at the show. But that's just me. Anyway, you can enter the draw here. If you win and need a hot date - hit me up! Ok, so the remix. Much earlier this year, The Temper Trap released "Love Lost" in the UK and commissioned a bunch of surprisingly fun remixes. My favourite was the dubiously titled Rock Da World Radio Edit (below). It's not quite the Axwell mix of "Sweet Disposition" but I like it. A lot!