People are cruel. I had mercifully managed to avoid this repugnant piece of filth until now - largely due to the fact that it's flopping worse than "Bionic". But then a vindictive bitch tricked me into watching the video clip over the weekend and I've been trying to exorcise it from my mind ever since. Hopefully this post is a cathartic experience that allows me to put the shattered pieces of my life back together! Legislation seriously needs to be introduced banning Brian and Dulta from recording another duet. "Almost Here" was a crime against humanity and "Mistakes" is even worse. The gruesome twosome's latest adventure is a lame song about love gone wrong. They probably thought it was witty to sing about hating each other but the rest of us just thought that Brian had a rare moment of clarity. There is absolutely no point to this. Well, apart from the obvious last ditch attempt at boosting sales of McFadden's flop album. "Mistakes" is a generic piece of trash, they sound shit together and no one really gives a fuck about either of them anymore. The smug video just makes the whole experience all the more unbearable. Australia's least favourite couple spend the clip throwing things at each other before burning my retinas by making out like born again Christians at a bible bash. Is this supposed to be edgy and cool? I don't know what's worse - Brian's hair or Dulta's incredibly bad acting. Unless Cheryl Cole releases a Christmas single with Satan, I think the year's worst song and video is well and truly upon us.